To Know Him And To Show Him

Welcome to the Oakdale Christian Centre Podcast. Join us in our Christian Growth meetings, Bible teaching and Studies from a first century church in the twenty first century.

Freedom In Christ - Handling Emotions Well


This week sees the eighth part of our discipleship course, Freedom In Christ. Session 8 is “Handling Emotions Well

We can’t control our emotions directly, but they are, in a general sense, the result of what we choose to believe. If we don’t have a proper understanding of God and His Word, and who we are in Christ, or if we have developed faulty lifegoals, it will be signalled to us through our emotions. Failure to handle emotions well may make us vulnerable to spiritual attack. The more we commit ourselves to the truth and choose to believe that what God says is true, the less our feelings will run away with us.

For more information on the Freedom In Christ program see
We have a number of copies of the study guide available at church for you to take away. It is also available through amazon in both paperback and on Kindle.

The main reading is 1 Peter chapter 5.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

Categories | Freedom In Christ


Filetype: MP3 - Size: 41.43MB - Duration: 44:33 m (130 kbps 44100 Hz)