Oakdale Christian Center Podcast http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/ Welcome to the Oakdale Christian Centre Podcast. Join us in our Christian Growth meetings, Bible teaching and Studies from a first century church in the twenty first century. Podcast Generator 2.6 - http://podcastgen.sourceforge.net Sat, 15 Feb 2025 12:54:22 +0000 en All content copyright Oakdale Christian Centre http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/images/itunes_image.jpg Oakdale Christian Center Podcast http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/ Welcome to the Oakdale Christian Centre Podcast. Join us in our Christian Growth meetings, Bible teaching and Studies from a first century church in the twenty first century. To Know Him And To Show Him OCC Podcast OCC Podcast nick@ndadamson.com clean The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Laodicea This is the tenth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the tenth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the final church mentioned, the church in Laodicea. We look into how Jesus warns this particular church, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is Colossians chapter 3.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the tenth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-12-08_laodicea.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-12-08_laodicea.mp3 41:11 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Laodicea no Thu, 08 Dec 2022 06:27:00 +0000
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Philadelphia This is the ninth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the ninth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the sixth church mentioned, the church in Philadelphia. We look into how Jesus encourages and commends this particular church for, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is Hebrews chapter 3.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the ninth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-11-28_philadelphia.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-11-28_philadelphia.mp3 40:24 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Philadelphia no Mon, 28 Nov 2022 23:16:00 +0000
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Sardis This is the eighth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the eighth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the fifth church mentioned, the church in Sardis. We look into what Jesus commends and reprimands this particular church for, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is 1 John chapter 5.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the eighth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-11-17_sardis.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-11-17_sardis.mp3 41:48 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Sardis no Thu, 17 Nov 2022 00:10:00 +0000
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Thyatira This is the seventh part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the seventh part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the fourth church mentioned, the church in Thyatira. We look into what Jesus commends and reprimands this particular church for, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is Revelation chapter 2, verse 18 to 29.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the seventh part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-11-03_thyatira.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-11-03_thyatira.mp3 43:07 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Thyatira no Thu, 03 Nov 2022 00:01:00 +0000
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Pergamum This is the sixth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the sixth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the third church mentioned, the church in Pergamum. We look into what Jesus commends and reprimands this particular church for, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is1 Peter chapter 2.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the sixth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-24_pergamum.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-24_pergamum.mp3 46:08 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Pergamum no Mon, 24 Oct 2022 22:49:00 +0100
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Smyrna This is the fifth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the fifth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the second church mentioned, the church in Smyrna. We look into what Jesus commends and reprimands this particular church for, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is Hebrews chapter 12.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the fifth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-20_smyrna.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-20_smyrna.mp3 35:51 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Smyrna no Thu, 20 Oct 2022 23:59:00 +0100
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Church In Ephesus This is the fourth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the fourth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this recording we look at the first church mentioned, the church in Ephesus. We look into what Jesus commends and reprimands this particular church for, along with the history and cultural background of this group of worshipers.

The main reading is Acts chapter 18, Verse 18 and in to chapter 19.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the fourth part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-17_ephesus.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-17_ephesus.mp3 40:48 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation, Ephesus no Mon, 17 Oct 2022 23:10:00 +0100
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - The Churches This is the third part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the third part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this study Dave looks at the overall message to all 7 churches and why Jesus is communicating with them.

In the next episode we start delving into the messages to each church specifically and what we can learn from it.

The main reading is Hebrews chapter 13.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the third part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-12_thechurches.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-12_thechurches.mp3 35:53 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation no Wed, 12 Oct 2022 00:49:00 +0100
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - Foundations Part 2 This is the second part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the second part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this study Dave continues to set the scene and gets the foundation right for the rest of the series.

The main reading is Revelation chapter 1.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the second part in our series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-05_revelationchurches_foundationspt2.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-10-05_revelationchurches_foundationspt2.mp3 36:48 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation no Wed, 05 Oct 2022 23:22:00 +0100
The 7 Churches Of Revelation - Foundations This is the first part in a new series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. This is the first part in a new series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation.

In this study Dave sets the scene and gets the foundation right for the rest of the series.

The main reading is Revelation chapter 1.

Podcast edited and produced by Nick Adamson.

This is the first part in a new series on the 7 churches spoken about in the book of Revelation. http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-09-21_revelationchurches_foundations.mp3 http://ndadamson.com/occpodcast/?name=2022-09-21_revelationchurches_foundations.mp3 36:45 nick@ndadamson.com (OCC Podcast) OCC Podcast Oakdale Christian Centre, Bible Study, Bible, Christian, Christian Growth, assemblies of God, church, Revelation no Wed, 21 Sep 2022 00:14:00 +0100